Each of us has the responsibility to observe the energy we bring into our life situations. Mastery simply means that we are willing to take ownership of our state of consciousness in the present moment with the knowledge that we have a definitive impact on those around us.
Every circumstance offers an opportunity to discover the infinite facets of love. Periodically check in and ask if you\’re bringing the best version of yourself to the Now. It\’s empowering to observe, see clearly and shift when required… some of the many gifts of higher awareness. As you awaken, you\’ll have access to greater perception. Don\’t be surprised if you have a significantly different view of the world than others around you. Let your life be your message and bring gentleness to your journey – beginning within.
Each of us plays a role in the collective awakening of humanity. Some heal through adversity, some through loving example and teaching while others simply bring light and kindness into daily activity. Find your truth and live it to the best of your ability.