One of the things I love best about writing these daily meditations is the need to consistently take new pictures. In the midst of my gratitude walk I enjoy looking for something beautiful to share with you. This desire causes me to immerse myself in the world around me, see through the eyes of a child and pause to fully experience whatever has captured my attention.
The wildflowers pictured above are incredibly tiny and grow in a small clump in the mulch next to the path upon which I walk. Their simple beauty and transient nature encourages me to enjoy the present moment. Walking the same path each day for years has taught me the importance of appreciation as I watch consciousness express itself in various forms.
The sky is a living, moving canvas of inspiration. The chatter and interactions of the birds never fails to bring a smile to my face. The flowers sustain the pollinators and share their beauty with the world. And most importantly, I am grateful for you, gentle reader. Thank you for your participation in the awakening of my spirit. Because of you, I have learned the power of Presence.