Let your life be the living flame of awareness. Layer by layer the veils of illusion are burned away and we open to receive the gifts which are available. It may be hard to imagine the beauty that awaits, but truly that is the one and only reason for your sojourn in space and time – discovery. There is nothing specific that you need to do, only drop that which blocks your vision.
The paradox of the world is to live in it while bringing greater awareness to all that you do. Choose just an hour today and approach every task fully present – no multitasking, slow and conscious, grateful and alert. This will teach you how to become the observer and see the sacred which resides within every moment.
Your inner guidance speaks in whispers – the more you trust it, the stronger it becomes and the more attuned you are to the wisdom which emanates from the very core of your being. The way to know that you’re on the right path is that you will feel more whole, peaceful, balanced and integrated, even in the midst of a challenge.