Awakening Through Play

“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”


Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her play, she gathers and stores nuts. As the seasons change, many of those hidden nuts are forgotten and some begin to grow. In her playfulness, she emits the essence of pure presence, the side effects of which can be seen for years to come.

Consider bringing lightheartedness into your experience. This can be accomplished with a conscious change of attitude. Day-to-day tasks take on new meaning and time flows differently. The work still gets done, but it is no longer draining. Your balance and well-being amplify all that you do with heightened vibrancy and meaning. You may be surprised to discover how much energy is available to you.

Your joyful attitude can be an inspiration to those who are driven by fear, stress, or worry that there is a different way to experience life. Consider that a conscious playful example may plant seeds of transformation.


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