Yesterday I was tending some basil I planted last new moon. This is part of a fun little spell I found to increase wealth. For the last few years I’ve been working on an oracle card deck and book for self-awareness and the project is coming to fruition. While this is taking me into new areas of expression, it’s also a rich playground where I can see my conscious efforts and intention in motion.
My morning gratitude moments begin with encouraging the basil’s growth. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this adorkable jumping spider hanging out in the tiny leaves. Trepidation gave way to wonder and I was able to get a cute picture as we chatted. I had not personally interacted with such a being before, so it seemed like a very specific message.
Jumping spiders represent being bold and fearless while taking leaps of faith. Like all spiders, they also remind us of the power of creativity, weaving webs of energy and patience. Eight legs (the number of money, strength and courage) indicate extreme balance. And those beautiful eyes see clearly.
I was grateful for a little bit of natural magic, energy and encouragement. When I returned from my walk, she had moved on. And so, I take her lessons with me as I pursue the next steps of my project.