When you bring your awareness fully into the Now, you’ll discover that it is filled with wonder. Seek to embrace the present moment just as it is and you’ll discover that all you require is already here. Hidden within every moment is a seed of tranquility and peace. No matter what unfolds in your life, choose to end on love. Send kindness to those with whom you disagree and leave the ego behind.
Spirituality is not about denying the world and it’s pleasures. The abundance of life awaits. When you live with an open heart, you’ll discover how to celebrate the journey of your awakening while simultaneously enjoying the depths of understanding and wisdom available to you. Every moment is a gateway to infinite possibility.
Love resides at the core of your being. As you drop the layers of illusion that block your ability to see clearly, the light will begin to sparkle through. Look within. Slow down and breathe – observe the breath, and become the loving witness of your own awakening.