You are responsible for your own joy.
That\’s Right! I move beyond old limitations and now express myself freely and creatively
Many believe that they must wait until their lives fall into place before they can be happy; however, spiritual practice calls upon us to love life even when it seems to be a mess. Doing so cultivates the ability to see challenges differently. We learn how to open to the unwanted and ultimately discover that we cannot be truly happy until life is difficult.
Choose joy in the present moment rather than waiting for some imagined future to unfold as it \”should\”. Loving life as it is allows us the opportunity to truly engage with it, learning a little more each and every step of the way. The path to lasting joy is saying yes to life again and again, regardless of what is presented. Weave it into the tapestry of your experience and be willing to step into the unknown.
True happiness has no opposite. It is not dependent upon anything and is the natural state of your being.
Today my intention is to remember that the point of power is always in the present moment. I choose joy Now.