All Is Well

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~



Life, in spite of how it looks and feels sometimes, is a playground of experience. Contrasts are experienced to teach us compassion, right action, acceptance, and awareness. It’s powerful to remember that Earth is nothing more than a school of awakening. It doesn’t really matter what one believes – there are many pathways of enlightenment. What matters is how we choose to approach the moment at hand.


Initially, be the observer. Seek inner mastery. Pay attention to your state of consciousness and take yourself as high as possible. Then, interpret the situation, take action when appropriate, and watch what unfolds. What can your learn? What has worked well and what can you discard? Then, you can walk forward knowing that you did your best. Love resides at the core of every situation.


Some feel called to take action, solve imbalances or heal those who are in pain. We all instinctively act in alignment with our roles… the warrior fights, the artisan creates, the server serves. Some are more visible… the king leads, the spiritualist heals the soul, the sage informs. Know your role and be true to yourself. The blend will be perfect. That is how this universe works.