Accept, Then Act


How much energy goes into fighting what is, worrying about the future, or wishing the past had unfolded differently? Empowerment calls upon us to first move into acceptance of what is, then take conscious action when required. Acceptance has nothing to do with liking something; however, it is the necessary beginning of all transformation.


Life will always present whatever is most appropriate for your spiritual growth. Invariably, the challenges that arise ultimately lead you to discover something new about yourself, heal an old wound, or help you to release patterns that you have outgrown. For the enlightened soul, everything can be utilized as a springboard to greater awareness.


With acceptance, your energy is deeply focused in the present moment. Your actions will be intentional rather than reactive and peace becomes the foundation from which you draw insight and clarity. Practice acceptance throughout your day using little inconveniences as a forum to watch this concept in motion. Your energy will not be wasted on nonessential things or events over which you have no control. Place your attention on your state of consciousness and watch what life has to show you. This is the moment of transformation.