\”The moment you feel joy, the moment you laugh and change your perception, you change your immunity, your body chemistry, and your whole well-being.\”
~Debasish Mridha~
A few months ago my father left the planet to begin his next adventure. I had the opportunity to take my mom to Yosemite thinking that the quiet power of the mountains might assist her at the beginning of her grieving process. It was lovely to see her have moments of connection as she began the new phase of her own journey.
She purchased the jewelry above, initially referring to it as a \”broken heart\” necklace. Honoring her perception and experience, I gently offered another interpretation and simply said, \”How beautiful. I see it as a complete heart. The love is still whole, the two sides are just in different form. Like you and dad.\” Her energy simply shifted and she mentioned that she really liked how I see things.
Grief ebbs and flows. It was nice to be able to provide another point of view and, in that moment, nice to see that it was helpful. Many things are true simultaneously and we can choose how to interpret our experience. When faced with your own challenges, see how many differing interpretations you can accept. A change in perception changes everything.