Throughout the transition from illusion to freedom and awareness, we explore various mechanics of the ego. When vibrating in the lower levels of consciousness, the ego works through the first three chakras creating fear around survival issues, sexuality, power and control. Once we become aware of its mechanics, it becomes easier to recognize. Fear, anxiety, anger and reactivity are signals that ego is in play.
Spiritual seekers embrace expansion. We take the cumulative lessons of the past, transform them into empowerment and do our best to operate consciously. Now the ego must become more subtle. While it still insists on forming attachment (typically for good or seeing oneself as helpful) or attaching to definitive viewpoints and insight, the base result is still the same. It creates a sense of trepidation.
The filters created when interpreting life through at the vibration of Acceptance, Willingness or Love are transformative. Whether challenges are personal or collective, the spiritual seeker typically has a lifetime of tools to utilize when imbalance is felt. Periodically go back to basics. Be consistent with meditation, gratitude, love-based service or Presence to rise above the mechanisms of the ego. Attachment creates pain. Acceptance, conscious awareness, and empowered action create authenticity and clarity. From there, we can be the peace we wish to see.