The Untroubled Spirit

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
~Marcus Aurelius~

When you can see beyond the mechanisms of the ego, you are well on your way to a life unencumbered by drama. The actions of others always demonstrate their the filter through which they view the world. Since you cannot please all the people all the time, you are free to live in your integrity.

Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in the present moment. The awakening soul learns to be non-reactive in intense situations and waits for the appropriate time to take action. As we drop reactivity, our energy becomes more focused and succinct. The way forward makes itself known and we can act while remaining detached from the outcome.

In a world beset with judgment, intensity and blame, we have the opportunity to demonstrate a different way of being. Create spaces that are peaceful for you. Fill your life experience with things that bring you joy, but remain content. Through the wisdom born of experience, one can see clearly yet still choose to walk through life with an untroubled spirit.