The Patterns of Your Life

You can create the life of your dreams. At any given moment, infinite patterns are developing. You are constantly sending energy out into the Universe, and you are living proof of the miraculous at work. This “behind the scenes” movement of energy  often takes some time to be revealed, recognized and appreciated. Walk forward with the knowledge that life itself is constantly working on your behalf.

When you start paying attention, you’ll discover the threads that weave the tapestry of your life. Learn how to participate by drawing all your attention into the present moment, notice what you hear, feel, smell, touch and see. Turn off the mind and simply notice what is around you. Recognize that whatever you place your attention upon becomes more prominent in your experience.
Notice coincidences. The more rare the coincidence, the stronger the message for you. Observe your life. Journal about your experiences or replay your day as you fall asleep. Watch it like a movie – no judgment, just be the witness. Your dreams may connect the dots and provide more insight.
You are a vibrant participant in the dance of existence. There is far more to life than meets the eye. Live with an open heart and create the space in which a miracle can occur.

Let the Universe Surprise You

“What the Universe will manifest when you are in alignment with it is a lot more interesting that what you try to manifest.



We humans have limited perception. This is by design. Our lack of vision creates an ego-driven desire to understand or achieve more; however, the lesson is actually about learning how to trust.

Our dreams are meant to awaken new experiences and will often prompt us to embark upon roads less traveled. The key is to enjoy the journey and to be open to the changes, soul connections and experiences that flow into our lives.

It’s wonderful to have preferences and goals but far more important to learn how to work toward them without attachment. When we demand that life conform to our dreams and desires, we limit the outcome to only that which our limited perception can imagine. As we learn to approach the journey with a sense of wonder and trust, we create a space in which miracles can occur.

Leave enough room in your experience for the universe to surprise you. There is much more happening on your behalf than you realize and one day, looking back, you’ll see the perfection in it all.