Recognize the Magnificence of Your Soul

“You’re waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they’ll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they’ll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Well, I’m here to tell you, your wait is over. That someone, is you.”
~Mike Dooley~

Awakening is not about expectations, perfection or being seen as one who is enlightened. It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

Mindful actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step provides an opportunity to walk your talk and speak your truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being.

Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Just be. Be the loving observer. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy throughout every interaction and see what you can learn.