Tag: #charlesdelint

  • Yes


    “The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”
    ~Charles de Lint~

    Yesterday I stepped outside into a gentle rain. Breathing slowly, I attuned myself to the world around me – birds singing, the scent of jasmine, dogs playing and the sound of cars in the distance. In that moment all time seemed to stop. I felt loved and supported by mother earth and grateful for the ability to tap into that healing energy whenever I need a moment to recharge.

    Periodically savor the peace of the present moment. Even in the midst of movement and chaos, it is there waiting for you. The easiest point of access is conscious breath. You are right where you need to be. In Presence, celebrate all the miracles that surround you.

    Joy is your true nature and awakening is your purpose. The key is to focus upon creating a life filled with small moments of happiness and fulfillment. When we release attachment to the “hows” we create space in which transformation can occur. Typically, there is no great fanfare at the beginning of new ideas or dreams, just a desire to move and a quiet wisdom that simply says yes.

  • Joy and Gratitude


    “The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”   

    ~Charles de Lint~ 

    Life is filled with limitless potential. You are filled with limitless potential. Why take that infinite power and use it to call up the past? Why fret about tomorrow? Most people live in regret or anticipation because that’s how they were taught to live. The whole world can sometimes seem governed by opinion and perception and those who choose to experience the world in another way can often feel misunderstood.

    Begin small with consistent daily gratitude. Expand it from the easy, wonderful things in your life to encompass whatever arises. Love your bills. Enjoy preparing and paying your taxes. See challenges as opportunities to shine. Asking these three questions can often open your mind to healthier perception:

    1) What is the gift for me in this moment?
    2) What am I trying to learn?
    3) How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?

    You don’t need to know the answer immediately, simply live the questions and they will open your ability to receive.

    The higher your vibration, the easier life flows. The infinite power of the Universe supports you in miraculous ways – always.