To Love…

“See and live life for the wonderful gift that it is …acknowledging everyone’s beauty, flaws, frailty, strength, gifts and possibilities. Honor and cherish it and above all be loving and compassionate. Here is the birthplace of inner and worldly peace.”

~Rasheed Ogunlaru~

To live in the frequency of love is to honor all that you see as sacred. As you expand in consciousness, it becomes easier to see through the mechanisms of the ego and the roles that people play. Old souls often view the world differently and must learn to walk in their truth, even in the face of ridicule.

The Tao te Ching says that the laughter of the unawakened is a necessary aspect of our collective experience. Rather than trying to change their minds, seek to find a way to love the soul that teaches through adversity. From them we learn self control, confidence, non-reactivity and patience.

We all walk the same path. Though we may be at differing levels of consciousness, love is the goal. Find your way by recognizing and honoring the potential within you, and there will come a time when the light of love shines so brightly that all shadows will be dispelled.

Your Purpose is to Awaken

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Your purpose is to awaken. How you choose to accomplish that throughout the successes and defeats you encounter along the way is immaterial. The ego attaches great significance to the world of form; however, the soul desires only experience, expansion and wholeness. Each of us must remember that what we see in the world is an expression of what is projected from within and our role is to observe and release all that blocks us from unconditional love.

As dreams fade upon awakening, so too does the intensity of this incarnation upon our transition and life review. When we step back with those we love to witness the tapestry of our existence together, there is only gratitude, love and the desire to redress any imbalance. And so we come together again and again, the residue of the past lingering in our energy and soul memories. The desire to fulfill our purpose of awakening outweighs all else as we expand in consciousness and joy.

Being Love

“Most humans believe that love is something that you get, that it is an emotion, that it has to be discovered, and that the more they give away, the less they will have. The opposite is the truth. Lovingness is an attitude that transforms one’s experience of the world. We become grateful for what we have instead of prideful. We express our lovingness when we acknowledge others and their contributions to life and to our convenience. Love is not an emotion but a way of being and relating to the world.”
~ David R. Hawkins
All that we think, say and do is recorded in the infinite field of consciousness. With this in mind, the awakened spirit seeks to give love even when it may not be recognized or appreciated by others on the physical level. We dance within the gifts of the Divine and share that joy with those who grace our lives.
When you can say to another, “I am grateful for every moment we have spent together” without expectation or regret, you have arrived. When you can be Unconditional Love, a profound transformation occurs in your perception and the way you choose to interact with the world. This shift in awareness creates space where the ego cannot reside, and there, freedom awaits.