Love and Intention

“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”
~Anita Moorjani~
We are powerful co-creators in our own experience. To operate from the highest level of consciousness we must embrace what is with the knowledge that each moment offers an opportunity to act from the heart. Transformation comes through achieving the delicate balance of acceptance, focused intention and right action without attachment to the end result. The empowered soul opens as a conduit for the Divine and often, miracles are set in motion.
When spiritualists speak of infinite possibility, it is this untamed, infinite energy, unlimited by time and space and unhampered by ego, to which they refer. Energy is directed and then allowed to flow as it will. Love and intention, when combined, align us with the love of the Universe. Leave ego-driven fear behind. Empowerment calls upon each of us to be purposeful and positively expectant as we set love on a journey of healing – for ourselves and for one another.

Right Action

“The practice of Right Action is a practice of faith, a faith that says what we do matters. We matter. And whether we’re refilling the coffee pot at work or speaking in front of a crowd of thousands, we have the power to change the world one small act at a time.”

~Alex Kakuyo~
Awareness ensures that your responses to life are empowered rather than reactive. Once the ego is no longer in control, mindfulness will bring higher consciousness into any situation. From that space of awareness, the action (or inaction) that is for the highest good of all involved will make itself known. Then you can act with integrity, do your best and accept what is.
When right action is in motion, it drops completely from your consciousness. There is no need to replay it, take credit for it, wonder if your choice was ‘right’ or worry about how things will unfold. This is the Divine working through you without ego-driven interference.
Cultivate mastery by approaching daily experiences such as driving, interactions with your children, the energy you bring to your work or your self-dialogue with calm awareness. The peace of Presence is always there. Honor the present moment as sacred by experiencing it fully. Right action will surely follow.