
“Trust is yes. Knowing that this existence is our mother, that nature is our source and it can’t be against us. It can’t be inimical to us. Seeing this, understanding this, trust arises.”


Life, by it’s very nature, is constantly evolving, transforming and uncontrollable. Our role in this process is to learn how to recognize and step into the flow of energy, rather than fight against it. Our human perception is very narrow and to think that we can plan and rationalize the world around us accurately is laughable.

A higher source of truth moves through you. When the focus is on creating balance in your experience and detachment from the mechanisms of the ego-mind, you can trust the processes of life knowing that you are guided, protected and loved each and every step of the way. This is not to say that challenges won’t arise – it only means that there is always a purpose to the challenges we face and trust keeps us from moving into resistance.

The key is learning how to trust even when you feel doubt. Do not wait for the doubt to disappear; instead, realize that trust absorbs doubt and transforms it into empowerment. Act from the heart and allow life to unfold as it will.

Integrity and Awareness

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

When you embrace your unique way of being in the world and open your heart and mind to new energy, you become a powerful co-creator in your daily experience. A healthy foundation is built on integrity and awareness. Your willingness to keep evolving while living in alignment with your truths allows you the freedom to be consistent in the midst of transformation.

This is where judgment stops. Energetically, we cannot hold the vibration of judgment and love in the same space because they are in opposite realms of experience. The best way to release judgment is to ensure that you are acting with integrity and doing your best. With nothing out of balance, we can see without labeling, forgive without drama and navigate our days with patience and peace.

Life is your canvas, your blank page, a song that is waiting to be played… add to it often. Let it change as you change knowing that the slightest adjustments can have the greatest impact. What we choose to create with our energy matters. Each us of adds something beautiful and unique to our collective experience.

Play Your Way to Higher Consciousness

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…”
~susan polis schutz~

Being unaware of their own divinity, many seek solace in fleeting egoic desires such as fame, possessions or accomplishments. Empowerment comes from the willingness to share whatever you are afraid of losing. All treasures become tarnished without use and when you loosen your grip, you’ll discover the freedom that expansiveness can bring.

Our purpose here is not about things, but the consciousness we discover as a result of how we choose to play with the things of this world. It’s wonderful to enjoy all the physical aspects of being human, but always empowering to remember the richness of your true infinite nature. There is plenty of time and limitless possibilities to explore.

All the inhabitants of the earth – the rocks and plant life, the wind and clouds, birds and flowers and animals – all are our brothers and sisters in the exquisite tapestry of life. Human beings can often forget this in their personal fight to get what they need and create a sense of security… all the while cultivating feelings of desperation and fear.

You have a purpose of this planet. You play an integral part in the evolving consciousness of existence and in that knowledge of a deeper and more meaningful connection, fear disappears. There is love all around you.

Be Yourself

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Our cultural imprinting teaches that something is missing. Many feel pressured to look or be a certain way, and indeed we have entire industries dedicated to ensuring a subconscious (or not so subconscious) belief that we are flawed. Because of this, many seek to transform their experience because they do not like a particular aspect of themselves or their life; however, when we approach change in this way, we actually reinforce the perceived negative circumstances to remain in place.
Take it to a higher dimension. When you choose to operate from a place of love and acceptance, your actions have greater power and momentum. It becomes easy to release old patterns and explore one’s relationship to life in a way that is healthy and enlightened.
Let your choices be a tribute to your unique way of being in the world. See yourself as a living expression of the Divine. Your words and actions will then be a peaceful and empowered reflection of the love you have for yourself.


“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
~Mary Oliver~

Many associate abundance with material wealth or physical items; however, abundance is the feeling of having more than you need. It’s not surprising that the word ‘dance’ is contained within it, for when we feel abundant, on many levels we dance through life with enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.”

Enthusiasm is deeply aligned with the present moment which is the source of it’s joy and power – it needs nothing because it lacks nothing. Joy is not a result of what we do, but is an energy that flows through us into what we do. This happiness creates expansion and positive change which becomes the motivating factor behind life itself.
Most people misunderstand the purpose of life. They strive and suffer and often die never having lived at all. Miracles are happening all around us – in every moment – and the universe is consistently expanding, evolving, transforming and flowering with incredible speed. The purpose of life is to love, enjoy, share and learn.

Live multi-dimensionally. Appreciate art, nature, one another, yourself and all that has yet to be experienced. Abundance is an expanded state of being.

Expressions of the Divine

“To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all men divine.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
When I behold beauty I often pause a moment in wonderment and gratitude. The energy is fleeting, constantly in motion. What captures my eye and my camera one day may be completely gone the next. This realization has reinforced my desire to be fully present, aware and appreciative. As life changes form, I celebrate infinite potential in motion.
Granted, it’s far easier to recognize divine energy in a flower or the laughter of a child than it is when faced with anger or dysfunction; however, as awakening souls, we are called upon to cultivate the ability to embrace what is, honoring the Oneness that connects us.
Each of us is a sacred work in progress. Pay attention to the numerable delights at hand and immerse yourself in the Now. Rather than seeking to possess, appreciate. Rather than seeking to win, interact. Instead of clinging, allow. Ultimately, your soul wants nothing more than to be a source of love and transformation. Each step of the process is necessary and beautiful in its own way

Recognize the Sacred

“To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all [people] divine.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
To honor the sacred is to be in communion with life. The easiest place to begin is in nature. We can celebrate the stillness of a tree and the brief, iridescent existence of the dragonfly with the same mindfulness. Slow down and simplify. In the gap of pure potential we can bask in the radiance of the Divine.
Once you have strengthened your ability to recognize sacredness, practice with objects that you find beautiful. It’s likely that an artisan or craftsman created from a space of deep connection, imbuing it with energy which is now awakening joy within you. Many people respond to the spirit within animals or babies because the lack of ego makes it easier to see love shining through.
With humans, a little more intention is required. We can learn to see past the role that is being played by the ego to the spirit within. Sometimes this can be challenging because of layers of dysfunction or conditioning. This is when your ability to see clearly is needed the most. As you practice honoring everything in your experience as sacred, the sacred will awaken within you.