Little Miracles

“A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way.”
Noah Benshea

Many walk through life blind to the beauty and possibilities that surround them. Distracted by the mind, all they see are struggles that need to be overcome, money to be made or others to impress. These outward distractions are so all-encompassing that they often overwhelm.

As we begin to break free from conditioned thought, we can return to the realm of the love. Within it, we discover that there is enough time, that things are simple and life is filled with little miracles that remind us that we are here to expand rather than contract.

Take the time to appreciate the little things. When a hummingbird makes you stop and smile, a breathtaking sunset fills your heart with color, or a breeze gently rustles the leaves of trees nearby, simply notice. These sparks of energy are everywhere, waiting to inspire the movement of love within us.

Love and peacefulness combine and are expressed as kindness and compassion. Seeing life differently allows us to experience life differently. The purpose is to awaken.