A Day Filled With Infinite Possibility

“Every moment has infinite potential. Every new moment contains for you possibilities that you can’t possibly imagine. Every day is a blank page that you could fill with the most beautiful drawings.”

~John C. Parkin~

Every day provides opportunities to do things differently. Life is an ever-evolving masterpiece and the slightest changes can set amazing energy in motion. If you can keep things simple, show up with an open heart and take full responsibility for your experience, you’ll discover the joy of being a conscious creator.

Be led by love and enthusiasm. Sometimes inspiration comes from a chance encounter or a suggestion from a friend. Perhaps your inner wisdom speaks in a whisper saying, “What if…?” These seeds of awakening may blossom in ways that you never expected. I have found that it’s helpful to take some type of immediate action – speak it aloud, write it in a journal, reach out for guidance. Do anything to set something new into motion.

When we shift the trajectory of awakening with mindful action, we step into the realm of infinite possibility. You don’t have to plan grand gestures or flip your world upside down (as fun as that can be sometimes). Simply allowing the new to enter creates space in which the Universe can surprise you, and from there, anything can happen.

Limitless Possibility

Every moment is a new beginning filled with limitless possibility. You are not defined by past experiences or perceptions and, knowing this, you can consciously take one joyful step forward.
A world of possibility is open to you. As a spiritual being who longed for the human experience, you are now in the process of discovering that limitation can be released. There is no need to fight when you can simply rise above the blockages created by the mind into the realm of infinite possibility. The more loving you are to yourself, the easier it is to interact with others. It’s time to celebrate the wonders of your life.
This moment is all there is. The transformation that is happening within you opens dimensions of energy in which to play. All the events of your life are meant to bring more clarity, awaken your divinity and allow expansion into new directions. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – what are you choosing to experience?
Freedom is found when we release all judgment and attachment; therefore, learn to accept whatever unfolds in the Now as a blessing. In every moment, we are learning, sharing, healing, celebrating, releasing and becoming more aware of our true connection to the Divine. We are spiritual beings who chose to have a human experience in order to rediscover the infinite nature of love.

Expanding Consciousness

“Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.”
~Ramana Maharshi~
All limitations are self-imposed. When we hold a limiting belief, fear can block the exploration into anything that challenges that belief. The ego is terrified of losing control; therefore, it seeks to keep the illusions in place. Inner resistance is a wonderful indicator that you are moving in a direction that will ultimately bring freedom from the illusion.
As we awaken, the world becomes full of promise and potential. Our passions ignite a journey inward that is limitless. Life then becomes a canvas where we can see these new insights demonstrated in the world of form. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.
In stillness we can discover the fullness of being. Observe the mind and it’s antics while allowing your awareness to transform all that it sees. You are on a journey of awakening, of expansion, of joy. Honor the process by actively and consciously participating in a way that feels liberating. The seeds of infinite possibility lie dormant in the midst of your awareness. Nurture them well.


Infinite Possibility

“Your life is a beautiful blank canvas. You have the choice of splashing it with the most gorgeous and spectacular colors, by doing what you love.”
~Hiral Nagda~

You are a powerful co-creator of your life’s experience. In a world filled with infinite possibility, the human condition is often one of repetition. Our purpose here is to awaken and that can only be accomplished by breaking free from patterns and dancing in the realm of the unknown.

In the midst of your daily routine, consciously and purposely sprinkle in some changes. Take a different route than you’re used to taking. Be creative with your appearance and the expression of Self you present. See if you can simply enter the flow of life without preconceived ideas or attachment and experience whatever arises with an open heart.
These little differences set expansive energy in motion. The resulting threads will begin to weave into your life’s tapestry in a way that is distinctive and unique. The willingness to try new things trains the mind to be more comfortable with the unknown.
The ego fears change, so be ready for some inner resistance. Observe it, smile and do things differently anyway.


“We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”
~Henry David Thoreau~

Adventures await. You will always attract the ideal circumstances to facilitate your awakening. While it can be frightening to walk into the unknown, realize that trust and innocence are better guides than skepticism born of past experience.

When trust is pure, no one can corrupt it. Where fear creates blockages based upon old patterns and expectations, trust allows life to unfold and illuminates the dark corners of the mind.

Exploration isn’t about planning every everything one might experience prior to taking that first step. The thrill is in the discovery, the exhilaration of the free-fall. Trust your intuition and allow something immense to open. The ordinary becomes extraordinary when you dance in the realm of infinite possibility.

We create a balance of mind, body and spirit when we heed the call of the soul towards self-actualization. This balance provides a firm foundation for conscious, transformative exploration.

Owl Medicine

“Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Words come out of the void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Silence takes us into the space of infinite possibility. Therein lies the potential of movement, creation, wisdom and peace. As we dance in the wilderness, we open to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe.
No matter what you wish to create, seek expansion – of ideas, insight, art. Your unique wisdom is ready to emerge into the world of form.  As an awakening master, you can absolutely navigate any shadows within your experience and transform them into light. Step into the mystic and call upon Owl Medicine to strengthen your ability to see clearly.
This is the moment of your transformation. Sit in the stillness and notice the messages that are all around you. Slow your breathing, quiet the mind and be receptive. What you need to know will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.
Honor the process of your awakening. Only through the death of the old can the new emerge.

Love and Intention

“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”
~Anita Moorjani~
We are powerful co-creators in our own experience. To operate from the highest level of consciousness we must embrace what is with the knowledge that each moment offers an opportunity to act from the heart. Transformation comes through achieving the delicate balance of acceptance, focused intention and right action without attachment to the end result. The empowered soul opens as a conduit for the Divine and often, miracles are set in motion.
When spiritualists speak of infinite possibility, it is this untamed, infinite energy, unlimited by time and space and unhampered by ego, to which they refer. Energy is directed and then allowed to flow as it will. Love and intention, when combined, align us with the love of the Universe. Leave ego-driven fear behind. Empowerment calls upon each of us to be purposeful and positively expectant as we set love on a journey of healing – for ourselves and for one another.

Exploring the Depths of Emotion

“Experiencing our emotions fully, without wallowing in them or turning away, allows us to break through the layers of protective armor and connect with the heart. Fully felt, our emotions can clear the path to the deep well of compassionate love that is the essence of our being… and we are free to receive all the world.”   
~ Ezra Bayda~   
Just a little bit of insight and awareness can transform your entire life. You can only truly understand what you have experienced; therefore, it’s important to explore the depths of emotion. When emotional pain rises to the surface, it is an indicator that it is ready to be healed. These deeply buried wounds of the past are repeatedly reflected in our life experiences until they are cleared.In order to receive healing, we must choose to become vulnerable and open to the love of the Universe. Openness and acceptance create a space where we can dissolve the struggle and suffering once considered by the ego to be necessary and unavoidable… From this state of wholeness, we can help others to become whole as well.

Feel your way to freedom. Honor the emotions that arise with the knowledge that they are meant to help you break free from restrictive thoughts and beliefs. Untethered, the energies of infinite possibility feed the flames of your life purpose in a transformative and powerful way.

The Pathway to Enlightenment

“The pathway to the state of Enlightenment is via non-attachment rather than negation. Neutrality allows for participation and the enjoyment of life because, experientially, life becomes more like play than a high-stakes involvement.”  
~David R. Hawkins~ 

Neutrality creates a flow of acceptance in your experience and allows you to genuinely be at peace no matter what unfolds. It is also a wonderful indicator when karmic agreements have been completed. The emotional intensity subsides and the person or situation no longer creates an emotional charge.

Apathy, on the other hand, is a state akin to helplessness. One sees no point in living, feels like nothing will change and the personality becomes trapped in heavy energies that suck the life out of the people around them.

To find a personal state of grace and balance, we must cultivate the ability to allow life to unfold without attachment to outcomes. The dance between dark and light opens our consciousness to explore the space in between, a resting place, which allows healing to take place.

After this time of peace, we embark upon the next level of consciousness which is Willingness. The journey proceeds with a new understanding of hope, optimism and intention… and from there, anything is possible.

The Dance of Discovery

“It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love,
choosing to be alive at a time when so many are so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow.” 
~Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe~
Adversity can awaken you. Joy can awaken you. It’s your choice. No matter how you decide to experience life, there will be myriad opportunities to grow. Imagine your soul expanding as it opens to receive new energy, insight, healing and balance.
We learn from our interactions with one another and with our sacred mother earth. Your light transforms the darkness. When you choose to approach your life situations with a willingness to learn, anything is possible.
So, become a lifetime student of love. Know that untold gifts still await discovery. You are strong enough to face whatever unfolds in your experience, and awakened enough to utilize it in a way that is unique and empowered. No matter how far you have come, you have barely scratched the surface of your spiritual understanding.
Let your life be a dance of discovery. Everyone you encounter has the potential to teach you something new. When we can bring a sense of humility and openness to our interactions, we stand at the threshold of infinite possibility.