Higher Consciousness

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Everything is interconnected; therefore, your awakening sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, touching and transforming life itself.
Ones level of consciousness determines their vibrational frequency and together we form a symphony of exquisite beauty and nuance. The purpose of life is to utilize your experiences to awaken your inner wisdom and compassion. The spiritual seeker pays attention to the underlying energy that is inherent in all situations.
Awareness helps one to be more grounded and rooted in the present moment. This allows us to navigate challenging situations without getting lost in the drama or reverting to lower levels of consciousness. When you have mastered a particular lesson, it will no longer appear in your life. The energy around it will decrease and you’ll feel completely neutral when sharing your experiences or reflecting upon your journey.
As you discover your life’s purpose and your life task, you’ll create greater meaning, substance and balance that will reverberate throughout every experience that you have. Simply put, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.


“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other?”
~George Eliot~

As we mature, love begins to transform from sexual or ego-based neediness into honoring the unique individuality of another. We learn to accept rather than attach. We find wholeness within instead of looking to someone or something else to make us feel complete. We begin to realize that those who grace our lives (whether for a moment or for a lifetime) act as mirrors, supporting us in our quest to awaken.

Picture how life would unfold if you were never disappointed by anyone’s choices or behavior. The light of acceptance would shine brilliantly through any moments of darkness of the soul. Consider that the only way to live without disappointment is to approach each moment without attachment to a particular outcome. Therefore, as you cultivate absolute acceptance as a way of relating, disappointment will disappear from your experience.

When fear departs, freedom remains. Give for the joy of giving. Live for the joy of living. Your passion will morph into compassion, transforming all of your relationships into stepping stones of higher consciousness.


“Overflowing energy becomes celebration. When the energy is dancing in you, in unison, in a deep harmony, in rhythm and flow, you become a blessing to the world.”

Your energy is limitless. No matter what you have discovered so far, remember this: you have barely scratched the surface of your potential. As you learn to accept life energy as a loving dialogue with the Divine, you will be enriched, your experiences will sparkle with new vitality, and your presence will help uplift the world.

Know that you are safe. Fear blocks the process and creates limitation; therefore, we must learn how to look inward, face our fears with ruthless honesty and transform them into empowerment. This beautiful energy and potential is the essence of your being.

Any action taken from higher states of consciousness is an expression of love. Your life becomes an expression of truth as you discover and express your unique way of being in the world. Throughout your wanderings you will connect with many beautiful souls, each of whom longs for you to be your authentic self. Be the embodiment of joy and walk through the world with the knowledge that you are loved, supported, protected and guided in more ways that you can imagine.