Standing at the Crossroads

“Each day is a new beginning. You can start fresh, anticipating what today will bring. Or you can just settle for yesterday’s doubts, fears, or worries. Which road will you take? Do you take the path to the clear present or the the shadows of the past?”

~Eve Evangelista~

There are times that we stand at the crossroads from where an infinite number of paths emerge. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your vision. As you awaken, your choices will be prompted by profound insight and empowerment. Choose to experience your life through adventure and participation and don’t be afraid to venture into new places.

There is only one thing to ask: “Has my life been a celebration or a sadness?” When you find your unique way of expressing yourself you may discover that the world desperately needs what you have to offer. No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Become immersed within the present moment with joy, acceptance and enthusiasm and the way forward will make itself known.

We are engaged in a collective process of awakening; however, there are many paths to enlightenment. Choose the ones fill your soul with inspiration and joy.