Living in Presence

“When you go in, you touch a new kind of silence – the presence of silence itself. It is not only an absence of noise, it is something absolutely positive, almost visible, tangible.”  



Observe the stillness that exists between thoughts. Throughout the day, pause before you choose to reach for your phone to pass the time. Instead of ‘checking in’ with the world around you, simply go within and be still. Observe the body, slow your breathing and listen. Enter Zen from where you are.


The mind’s habitual pattern is to stay busy, jumping from one thought to the next, finding something that needs to be done or filling the gaps with mindless activity such as watching television. It’s healthy to periodically break the pattern and move into stillness. Find the gaps in your experience and utilize those moments of deep connection.


Once you step into stillness, you’ll notice that time slows down. As you create a deeper sense of balance and presence, you’ll bring that positive energy into the activities in which you decide to participate. Part of our spiritual journey is to bring the beautiful connection with the Now into our human experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.

The Circle of Compassion

Throughout the journey of awakening we discover how deeply connected we are. Compassion arises when we recognize our shared humanity and see our reflections revealed through interactions with others. We experience the contrasts that lead us ever onward in our quest to evolve and remove the layers of illusion that once created blockages and the perception of separation.

In the higher planes of consciousness, awareness expands to include all living things as we feel even more profoundly entwined. We begin to consider our impact on the planet and those with whom we share it. Spiritual awakened choices naturally demonstrate kindness and empathy. Throughout this process; however, many forget to honor themselves as sacred. Remember to also direct compassion inward.

Self-love creates a foundation from which to express your unique gifts. The more balanced you are, the more you have to offer those who grace your life. Through acceptance we create space where others can explore and reveal the best in themselves. And thus, the circle of compassion turns, expands, embraces and receives us as we enter through the doorway of Presence.

This moment is your point of power. Breathe deeply and feel your heartbeat connect with the heartbeat of the Universe.


“The deeper interconnectedness of all things and events implies that the mental labels of “good” and “bad” are ultimately illusionary.”
~ Eckhart Tolle~

Now is the time to become aware of the hidden harmony of life. There is a sacredness, a higher order than our limited perception can easily recognize. The spiritual seeker learns how to see beyond what is presented in physical form and becomes a conscious participant. This is the path of wholeness.

Our physical world utilizes the illusion of separation to facilitate the exploration of Oneness. This paradoxical experience ultimately helps us to discover that we all share very common struggles, fears, joys, expansion and compassion.

Become the observer. Notice the inner voice that seeks to opine, judge or label and, in that awareness, discover that you are no longer trapped by it’s limited discourse. Without thought, give something around you your complete attention for a few minutes. Notice every detail of it without commentary. See how often that voice comes in with it’s own conclusions and instead, allow yourself to be fully present.

Underneath the busyness of the mind lies the sacred space of limitless potential. The more you access it, the greater depth you’ll create in your own experience.

Moments of Connection

No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Take a moment to enjoy the uniqueness of your journey, your preferences, those who grace your life with their presence, and all that you’ve discovered thus far. We have much to learn from these simple moments of connection.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself living outside the cycle of story and drama and treasuring the Oneness you’ve discovered within your experience. Life opens up into new dimensions when we put down the burdens we have carried and become attentive to the mystery.

Spiritual awakening and raising ones consciousness is a process. Sometimes it comes bursting through our experience as an insight or revelation, while in others, it manifests as a gentle, subtle flow that goes unnoticed until life presents a situation that demonstrate how far we’ve come.

You are here to make a difference. You are here to bring peacefulness into the space you inhabit. You are here to awaken and share your gifts. Your life is meant to be one of discovery, a book in which you write the story of your choosing. We reside in a wonderful world of choice – will you choose resistance or celebration?


“As we feel the pain that all people feel in facing an uncontrollable world, compassion naturally arises – even for our ‘enemies.’ ”
~Ezra Bayda~

Collectively, much of humanity is absorbed in the mundane, obsessed with appearances and drama. They have forgotten or neglected the only thing that matters – awakening to the truth of who we truly are. Each of us is a fragment of the infinite Oneness of the Divine. The earthbound experience utilizes forgetfulness in order to facilitate the joy of awakening.

Purposely look past the roles that people play (both consciously and unconsciously). Depth of vision will allow you to connect with the soul of another and interact from a higher level of consciousness. Consider this: all definitions create limitation. See if you can stop defining yourself and others. Instead, operate as a field of awareness, bringing the vastness of soul connection into play.

When faced with opposition, remember that the other is acting from a place of fear and has lost touch with the deeper perfection of life. This may foster compassion rather than anger. Thus, your actions will be based upon love, balance and perspective.

When we connect on a soul level, something powerful happens. We experience a brief moment of Oneness, our collective energy expands and we begin to explore a new facet of love.


We are connected to the Earth and she is connected to us – this connection is a reflection of our relationship to the Self. Everything has something to teach when we are willing to listen. The lessons of nature show where we are on the path of awakening at the time of the encounter.

When you slow down and observe, you’ll discover that the world around you is the gateway to greater understanding. Allow life to be your teacher and companion and honor your inner child by choosing to walk in the magical realm of infinite possibility.

Animals, insects and plants that appear often in your experience may be your Nature totems. Learn all that you can about them – their attributes, habits and role in the tapestry of life – and pay attention to messages they have for you.

As you cultivate a reverence for the sacredness of all you see, you’ll create greater empowerment in your own journey. A totem is any object or animal with whom you feel a deep connection. It will choose you and awaken your heart. Every message is unique.

It’s All Love

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”  

We are here to explore the infinite facets of love in whatever form they may appear. To live with an open heart is not about neediness or desire. It’s an authentic recognition of the sacredness in another as well as within ourselves. Your conscious interaction engages Divine energy and a healing exchange occurs. These preemptive acts of love are a masterful way of gently guiding your day to unfold in the manner you desire.

Kindness is never wasted. Pausing to smile or sharing a loving moment increases your own store of happiness. When you’re fully immersed in the Now, it’s easy to become a channel for the love, light and laughter of the universe. The right words will flow and your loving energy will plant seeds that may take root.

Allow intuition to assist your daily navigation through life. You’ll know the appropriate time for stillness, observation, kindness, action or holding space. One barometer of Presence is the ability to act and move forward without second guessing yourself. Once divine energy has expressed itself through you, the transaction is complete.


Sometimes it’s far too easy to chat with people about the challenges we face together – war, fire, drought, inflation, politics – forgetting that what we place our attention upon grows stronger as we feed energy into it. Observe, and it’s likely that you’ll notice perfect strangers commiserating about something today… the ego masquerading as “human connection”.
I propose that we utilize love, joy and enthusiasm in order to change the conversation. I have experimented with a few questions and had the most wonderful interactions with strangers as well as people I know well. What I discovered is that the energy between us shifted immediately. Souls opened up and we were able to bond through inspiration and love, shared positive experiences that have a deeper connection than shared frustration.
  • What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
  • Who is your greatest inspiration or has had the greatest impact on your life?
I noticed that it was occasionally challenging for someone to pick just one “best thing” and could see them mentally going through the events of their lives only to say, “Wow, I’m not sure. There have been so many.” The answers weren’t as important as the energy created in the present moment. Try it, and let me know what you discover…

Connecting to Source

“The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to go and where you’ll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that.”
~Eartha Kitt~

It’s easy to be peaceful when sitting in meditation, spending quiet moments in nature or engaged with people whose beliefs completely align with yours. It’s a bit more challenging to remain in a state of peace when facing someone in the grip of anger, dealing with the intensity of modern life or when finding yourself triggered by things you had thought long healed.

Our spiritual journey is accelerated when we bring a sense of inner awareness and consciousness into whatever the present moment has to offer. Rather than only setting aside specific moments for your enlightenment, scatter them all throughout your day. View consciousness as important as breathing until it becomes second nature. These moments of deep connection align you with the miraculous beauty of life.

Look within and honor yourself and your expression of the Divine as sacred. Open the crown chakra to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You are the bridge between the physical world and the infinite. Seeing this clearly is enlightenment.

Share Your Gifts

“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.”
~David Orr~

There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique way of being in the world. This is the moment to let yourself shine.

Sharing increases the energetic flow between the souls involved. There is an opening, a transcendence, that supersedes all else and together we create something entirely new. Thus, the most beautiful way to accelerate your own transformation is to honor your gifts by bringing them into the world of form.

When your focus shifts from what you can get from the world to what you can give, joy emanates from your very being. Your light begins to spark awareness in others. Your journey of awakening becomes an inspiration. Your laughter, a healing balm in a world that is often filled with uncertainty.

Each of us has a specific role to play in the expanding consciousness of which we are all a part. Let love guide you and honor your unique way of being in the world.