Outward Expressions of Peace

“When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Everyone has a unique way of being in the world. Throughout your search for enlightenment and fulfillment, consider the energy that you bring to your life situation. The awakening soul seeks ways to demonstrate non-reactivity with the understanding that change (both personal and collective) must come from within.

Outward expressions of peace might include holding space for another when they struggle with a challenge, choosing to refrain from gossip, opinion or judgment, or kindnesses when no one is watching. Your life can be a statement of love and compassion.

Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment. Look for those who see a need and respond consciously – these are your people. Our shared responsibility, our shared vision, can be the turning point that is so desperately needed. Yes, there will always be young souls who thrive on conflict, anger and the need for power. But so too, will there always be enlightened ones who teach by example.

Whatever choice you make, let it come from a deep sense of who you are. Authenticity is the foundation of empowerment.


Gentle Strength

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
True strength is measured by authenticity, consistency and compassion. The higher your energetic frequency, the more power you can access. Those who vibrate at lower levels such as anger, pride, apathy or shame must use force in order to feel heard. No matter what change you wish to create in your experience, it must be cultivated within you before you can bring it into the world of form.
When those for whom you care become lost in the illusions of this world, do your best to remain at the highest level of consciousness that you can in your various interactions. We must remain engaged in unconditional love in order to teach: situation by situation, moment by moment. This takes conscious and consistent practice. You are a conduit through which the Divine manifests; therefore, it’s important to clear anything that blocks your ability to love.  View the challenges you face as realms of infinite possibility that deepen your wisdom, cultivate your strength and bring aspects that require attention or healing into the light of awareness. This is the moment of transformation.

Creating the Momentum of Change

“When stuck in apathy, procrastination, or the morass of depression, choose one small task and complete it mindfully. Momentum will follow.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes the changes we seek to create in the world (and within ourselves) seem daunting or overwhelming. Discomfort arises when we begin to realize that something needs to shift and, of course, the ego-mind immediately jumps in with momentum to stop dialogue; however, you have the ability to create powerful changes in your experience.

Bring your focus to the end result and celebrate the fact that if you can visualize it with passion, you can draw in what you wish. Rather than fighting what you perceive as “wrong”, purposefully feed your energy into what inspires you as you create positive changes.

Most people do not realize how powerful they are. Making even one small positive change can shift the momentum of your life. Set an intention and speak it out loud in the present tense as you set the tone for the day. Then support your intention by ensuring that your thoughts, words and actions are all in alignment. And finally, be willing to receive with the knowledge that you are a powerful co-creator of your experience.

Find Your Purpose

“When contemplating what our life’s work might be, we are often driven by our attachment to security. Perhaps the one question we don’t ask often enough is ‘What do I have to offer?’”
~Ezra Bayda~

Those who have discovered their unique way of being in the world are an inspiration. For those in the process of discovery, still seeking your purpose or your direction, I salute you. The willingness to embark upon the path of transformation ensures that you will find it. The road may be long. It may cause you to shift as you explore possibilities that call to you, but that is the process of awakening.
Do not be discouraged. Your challenges will temper your abilities. Your disappointments will teach you how to be strong, to rebuild and to step out of limiting patterns. Eventually, you will immerse yourself within that which makes your heart sing as life becomes a melody of joy and celebration.
Enlightened ones teach by example through the sharing of their gifts. Embrace the journey of discovery and know that you are right where you need to be. As you awaken into the fullness of who you are, your purpose will inform your decisions.


When you begin to make substantial progress in your own spiritual growth, you may encounter resistance from the people around you. It can be surprising to witness push-back from those who will benefit the most from your increasing awareness; however, it’s also the best proof that you are indeed evolving to new levels.

As we change, the world around us must change. The resistance you experience serves two purposes: it allows you to continue cultivating the attributes of a spiritual, evolving person and shows how much impact your soul’s growth is having on those around you.

In a relationship, the person of lower consciousness actually has the most difficulty. As one person becomes more empowered, more present, they choose to disengage from the drama. The lack of energy exchange is very frustrating for those still engaged in psychic vampirism.

Cultivate the qualities of compassion, kindness and gentleness. You can remove yourself from the cycle of drama, and step into the power of higher consciousness. Love those who challenge you. They are playing an important role in your development. Your purpose is to awaken. Celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and be a witness of the profound transformation happening within you.

Space to Grow

“People don’t need to be forced to grow. All we need is favorable circumstances: respect, love, honesty, and the space to explore.”

~Ellen Bass~

Collectively we all travel the same journey of awakening; however, every experience is unique. Give those you love the space to grow, to discover, experiment, succeed and fail. Life teaches every step of the way. Challenges create facets of strength and empowerment that ultimately lead to a unique expression of the Divine.

Our shared experiences teach us how to connect to one another. The energy that flows in contrasting circumstances creates expansion through the synergy of the dance of opposites.

In the ever-shifting flow of life there is a constant movement of growth and change. We are forever in the process of endings and beginnings, expanding into new areas of understanding and recognizing the validity of what serves us best on the journey. Don’t fear the amazing potential that wishes to express itself through you. Underneath the layers of thought and belief lies an infinite source of life that lovingly waits to be explored.


The Path to Empowerment

The quickest way to empowerment is by taking personal responsibility for all that you experience. This creates greater insight through introspection, conscious action and awareness. Consider adding humor into the mix and watch the process of change become more pleasurable.

Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance. We project energy at another person, situation or idea to distract ourselves from looking within. Since the world is our reflection, circumstances will often arise which provide an opportunity for us to recognize what we’ve spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It’s important to remember that the core of life’s practice is joy. We can only reach that state by stepping into personal responsibility.

Everything is energy and is mutable, light and constantly transforming. Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening.

There is a vast and infinite amount of energy available. You can access it, not by planning or thinking, but by being centered and silent enough to allow it to flow through you. This light and love awakens your potential.


“Awareness is more essential than a hundred skills. To be aware is to be open. And to be open is to know the path of every master who has roamed the earth.”
~Thomas Lloyd Qualls~

Living your potential is not about achievement, it’s about discovery and the joy of finding what you have been carrying within you all along. Look inward by taking a moment to sit quietly and be fully present without the distraction of thought. Simply reside in the fullness of Now without expectation or desire and see what you discover. Ultimately, you will perceive Oneness.

The goal is to gain a new vision. The moment we begin to see clearly, things begin to change. The mind creates confusion – thoughts fighting to be heard, noticed or believed – and once we become aware of the mechanics of the ego, we find freedom from the clamoring cacophony because we are no longer identified with the old way of being. Whether found in the mystical or mundane, infinite possibilities await discovery.

Consciously used, this moment can is the gateway to inner wisdom. Utilize whatever arises as powerful aspects of your growth. You may be pleasantly surprised at the insights you receive.

The Flow of Experience

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply soul-enriching experience.

Share your joy with others and participate fully in whatever the present moment requires. Too often we try to hold on to that which is fluid instead of experiencing what is. Whether we are celebrating or learning, consciously remember, this too shall pass.

The only constant in life is change. We live magnificently within the ebb and flow of experience – living, dying, rebirth, expansion. All contrasts and apparent opposites have their part to play and it can be exceedingly helpful to observe the patterns we encounter. Learn to flow with what is without clinging and embrace your transformation.

Quiet pauses allow us to gather our energy for the next moment of movement. Much like the tidal flow of the ocean, the power and healing lies within the highs and the lows, blending together to form the natural, evolving and mysterious playground of life.

Illumination is Eternal

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”


To be fully present is to see the sacredness in your unique expression of life. As we grow and change, the world around us is transformed. There is no wrong way to evolve. Whatever path you choose has great value for your personal journey and you will draw in the perfect people and circumstances to assist you in this endeavor. There is always something new to learn.

When things seem repetitive or boring, it may be that your energy is ready to expand. Moving to higher levels of consciousness sometimes calls upon us to leave the past behind in order to explore new ideas, circumstances and relationships.

Embracing change can awaken new insights and bliss. Choose to rise beyond ideas of good and bad with the realization that opposites and contrasts are necessary for transformation. A joyful journey is less dependent upon the path, than on the traveler who travels upon it.