The Pilgrimage

The journey is a sacred place and by honoring the present moment, we consciously move through the beautiful landscape of our souls awakening. Whenever you enter periods of movement and change, allow yourself to feel a sense of adventure and growth. This is your pilgrimage.

Be willing to accept and embrace the new. This attitude of openness and acceptance invites new opportunities, friends and experiences into our lives. There is no way to force healing of the heart chakra – it is the natural flow of your energy as you mature and learn to rest in your inner silence.

It has been said that one must lose all to learn how to be simple. We fill our lives with people, things, and ambition in order to stay busy and distracted. The Universe will often create a space for us to discover the joys of simplicity; however, one doesn’t have to wait for all to be lost – we can simply lose our attachment.

Guidance is available when you heed the whispers of your heart. The more you move into love and balance, the more receptive you’ll be… and your life will become radiant with blessings. This is your birthright, a gift that has awaited you since the moment you first set foot on this planet. Will you choose to embrace the journey?


“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you more conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Anger can be a transformational tool of enlightenment. It shows us where we have attached to an outcome and is the exact opposite of ego-driven happiness. Suppressing anger is unhealthy because it will often manifest later as physical illness, depression, passive/aggression or uncontrollable rage. Justifying anger is the ego’s way of getting you to believe the thoughts about a situation, with the attachment to being right. Anger disrupts the ability to be at peace in the present moment.

So when anger arises, feel it. Sit with it and be still. Know that by focusing your attention to the energy while becoming aware of the feelings and the thoughts which drive it, you can free yourself from its constricting embrace.

In every moment we have a choice – to accept what is or to reject what is. Enlightenment calls upon us to view each situation as if we had consciously created it for our souls growth, for indeed on a higher level, we have. Everything offers an opportunity to awaken.

Be Peace

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you more conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: If you know the key of awareness.”

You have chosen to follow a path of awakening in a time when many still live in darkness and confusion. More than ever before, it’s important to focus on staying balanced – even in the midst of upheaval – so that you can bring light to the world.

A peaceful heart is created by a peaceful mind. Quieting the ego is a life-long process; however, it is one that has the potential to set you free from the turbulence that plagues so many. Since your perception of the world is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness, your experiences will become more peaceful.

All that unfolds happens for you, not to you. Your life situation provides the opportunity to refine and utilize the spiritual tools you have been cultivating. It allows you to apply your inner wisdom in various scenarios until it becomes the integral aspect of your response to life.

Express Joy

“You are an incredible mystery that you will never figure out. To be this mystery consciously is the greatest joy.”

Life doesn’t happen to us, life responds to us; therefore, the process of awakening requires that we take full responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment. Joy is something that we must choose repeatedly and there are many ways to align with its energy. Surround yourself with sparkles of magic and gratitude and let your life be a living, evolving conversation with the Divine.

Joyfulness opens us to receive the vibrant blessings that are all around us. Sharing smiles, kindnesses, optimism, heartfelt hugs and compassion feeds our collective consciousness in miraculous ways. The greatest gift that you can give those who grace your life is to be a source of joy.

Purposely choose to slow down, breathe and experience the fullness of this moment. You are a vibrant expression of the Divine and there are infinite layers and levels and facets to explore. Your light brings a unique energy into the world. As you evolve, you perfect the ability to express a deeper joy of being throughout all the various aspects of this sacred journey.


“Beauty does not belong exclusively to the regions of light and loveliness, cut off from the conversation of oppositions. The vigour and vitality of beauty derives precisely from the heart of difference. No life is one-sided; the life of each of us is animated by the inner conversation of forces which counter and complement each other. Beauty inhabits the cutting edge of creativity — mediating between the known and unknown, light and darkness, masculine and feminine, visible and invisible, chaos and meaning, sound and silence, self and others.”

~John O’Donohue~

Wisdom arises when we allow the soul to experience what is without judgment. The richness of various ideas, textures, perceptions and soul expression creates a vast tapestry of exquisite beauty. Contrasts allow us to experience life from several different perspectives as we explore the nuances of wholeness. We must dance within dark and light to fully appreciate the perfection in the imperfection.

Positive and negative, sorrow and bliss, yin and yang teach us of the infinite possibilities inherent within neutrality. Resist nothing and instead, allow yourself the opportunity to fully experience the present moment with an open heart. There is always something new waiting to be discovered.

Life allows us to learn from one another through contrast. Quietly appreciate differing viewpoints and history. There is a sacred unity at the core of your being and it comes to life through being a witness of life’s beauty.


Solitude and Celebration

“Celebrate who you are in your deepest heart. Love yourself and the world will love you.”
~Amy Leigh Mercree~

In the silence of stillness we can discover our own inner potential, beauty and ability to love. The human condition prompts us to seek out one another to engage in lessons, contrasts, support, connection and communion. But when we base our joy upon others for fulfillment, we begin to block the flow the authentic flow of experience. Create a silent space within you where love can reside. Let it be filled with innocence and wonder, awe and clarity. In that space, the concept of “I” disappears and we become more aware of the spark of the Divine within us.

Discover the beauty in moments of solitude, the freedom of it, the purity of it, and choose to become one with all that you see… the wildness of spring, the smile of a dog, the purr of a kitty, the caress of a breeze… interactions are sacred when we approach each moment with this sense of openness and possibility.

Quiet celebration transforms you into a conduit for pure Divine energy. Let the joyful song of your soul bless all that you see.

The Blessing of Friendship

“A Blessing is a powerful and positive intention that can transform situations and people. Whenever you give a Blessing, a Blessing returns to enfold you.”
~John O Donohue~
Everything in our experience is part of our collective spiritual work. When faced with changes that seem overwhelming or destructive, seek out those who act with integrity. There is always a movement of beauty within the paradoxes of life.
Friendship is one place where we can explore our collective strength. No matter how you choose to express yourself in the world, find joy in the synergy of love and connection.
It is of utmost importance to remain aware of your state of consciousness. The first priority is to operate from a state of grace, clarity and balance rather than reactivity. The ebb and flow of experience provides ample opportunities to discover who we are in the face of adversity.
It is said that what you resist, persists and what you fight, you strengthen. Take care not to fall into the traps of lower energy. We are called upon to be beacons of light in a world that often feels fraught with conflict, darkness, separation and limitation. We can consciously and consistently impart wisdom, kindness and support. This moment is an opportunity to show what love looks like.

Be Still

“Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity”
~Lao Tzu~

Quiet the mind and go within. No matter what is unfolding in your life situation, you have the ability to be at peace. Use all that you are experiencing to facilitate the next phase of your spiritual awakening. Silence is the key.

We are so conditioned to think our way through challenges that we can momentarily forget we are divine beings who are guided, loved and supported each and every step of the way. In those moments of feeling lost or overwhelmed, the first instinct is to dwell on the “coulda/woulda/shoulda” of regret.

Go within and simply be. Open to the light of the universe, and there you will discover the insight and peace you desire. Know that you are right where you need to be and the experience you are having holds the key to enlightenment. Periodically, spread your arms wide, open the heart chakra, and visualize energy flowing into you from the Sun. Just be and receive and breathe. Let this light infuse your entire being.

Honor the sacredness of your journey. Gratitude and appreciation open your heart to receive the many blessings that life has to offer.


“Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.”
~Amit Ray~
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who shines from within…

Everyone who has manifested you into their life, has done so because of the unique light and energy that you possess. When you can be yourself, love yourself and occasionally laugh at yourself, you are providing them with the perfect experience.

It’s that lightness of non-expectation that is so appealing. When you first meet someone, the attraction begins because you are simply being you. When we load ourselves up with the weight of expectation, fear and desire, that beautiful, original and carefree spirit gets buried underneath layers of thought.

Love yourself. Reward yourself with thoughts of praise. Know that others respect you and appreciate all that you do. With our loving attitudes, we help to create a world where it is safe to love one another.

Empowerment and Personal Responsibility

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Challenging situations are blessings in disguise – always. When faced with frustration or pain, go deeper into the present moment. Without asking the other person to understand you, seek to understand yourself.
It is helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.” The willingness to be grateful in the midst of challenge opens you to higher levels of consciousness.
As you release old layers of programming and dysfunction, your life will naturally become more peaceful. Rather than being reactive, your responses will be mindful and empowered. The key to awakening is simply taking full responsibility for your life as it is while transforming the mundane into the miraculous.