What We Create

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are an artist who is constantly in the process of co-creation, weaving a unique tapestry of exquisite design. Each thought, word and action creates layers of energy that flow from you out into the world of form. Observe what you say. Do your words reflect what you wish to create? Do they support your joy and willingness to receive?

It’s a wonderful practice to set a deliberate intention, focus upon it during your morning rituals and then watch with joy as it manifests in various ways throughout your daily experience. For instance, if your intention is to be a loving reflection of the sacredness in everyone you meet, your interactions will be far different than if your mind was only focused upon the tasks that needed to be accomplished. Instead of a regular day with it’s normal ups and downs, you might experience brief but unique expressions of beauty from each person with whom you interact.

These conscious choices bring a higher level of light into our physical experience. Choose intentions that allow you to explore being the very best version of yourself. The spiritual seekers goal is to merge the sacred with the mundane.


“A mystic is anyone who has a gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradiction, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.”
~Krista Tippett~

You are a unique expression of the Divine in physical form. Why not allow it the freedom to surprise you? Many walk through life blind to the beauty which surrounds them; however, the spiritual seeker has the ability to infuse enchantment into the mundane with their attitude, joyful expectation and innocence.

Much of the path of awakening is remembering how to be amazed, how to dance with delight in the rain, take a leap of faith or seek inspiration. Everything, in its reflection of you, becomes a message of love. Together, we rise when we consciously engage with life.

There are infinite threads of commonality that bind us. Seek out those threads, draw them into your experience and witness their impact on the exquisite tapestry of which we are all a part. We can choose to live in a way that is both connected and expansive. Set aside any perceived limitations and let yourself be enchanted by love.

Life’s Artistry

“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”
~Kurt Vonnegut~
Life is filled with inspiration. The clouds move across the sky, flowers dance on the breeze, beauty waits patiently to be discovered even as it is fleeting and ever-changing. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we become a portal through which consciousness experiences itself.
The artist within you desires expression. Even if no one bears witness to your creation, the ability to see things differently while allowing that vision to move you into action is transformative. Begin by watching life’s artistry. Be still and enjoy the movement all around you. Capture little joys that speak to your soul. Your awareness gives a new life to all that you see.
By design, no one experiences the world in quite the same way. Our unique interpretation of life is simply another vibrant, living example of the infinite possibilities available when we play in the field of Now. Beyond ideas of right and wrong is only the voice of the Divine calling us to new levels of conscious expression.