Partnership, A Gift

The most loving gift that you can give another is the space to explore their unique journey.

“When you cling to how your partner (or your children or anyone) should be, you create the circumstances of long-term suffering. Your partner does not want to be controlled; they want to be loved, seen, accepted, held in your heart and honored and respected and blessed by your love.”
~Jack Kornfield~

All relationships ultimately lead you into a greater union with yourself and with the Divine. As we learn to provide consistent, loving acceptance for those who grace our lives, we experience the joyousness that results from watching them discover their unique way of being in the world.

All too often we greet one another with preconceived requirements or expectation. Each interaction is laden with ideas of how we’d like that person to respond and it’s easy to become so distracted by those mental projections that we miss the beauty of who they truly are.

Acceptance allows those you love the freedom to shine. In the present moment we can choose to give support and affection with a peaceful, open heart, and in that openness honor the riches and inspiration the other has to offer.

Love with a gentle strength. Love in a way that expands your own heart and you’ll discover that the well never runs dry. Allow compassion, kindness and gratitude to create a foundation for healthy, supportive relationships. Honor every path (including your own) as sacred.


Posted in Wow Moment.