
Sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are.

Everyone faces their own dark night of the soul as part of the quest to awaken. These moments can create feelings of loss and confusion; however, they are a necessary aspect of transformation. The ego will often play a script that says, “If only this person knew [what I’ve seen, been through, done], they’d see me differently.” And thus, we see ourselves as separate from one another because of our perceived deficiencies.


Nothing could be further from the truth. Our very human struggles are what allow us to rise above, cultivate compassion and drop judgment. The more we work with our hidden wounds, the more we discover the love and Oneness that bind us together.
Be gentle with yourself. When someone appreciates beauty or courage or tenacity within you, know that it is a loving reminder of things you may have forgotten. You are a work in progress, a master in the process of awakening. And no matter how much you’ve learned so far, know this – you are just getting started. The resilience of your soul is ready to shine.

Mastery and Miracles

“When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness.” 
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

One of the most important aspects of mastery is being willing to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness. What would your experiences be like if you viewed everything as a miracle? Each moment would simply become a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

This connectedness shifts our perceptions in a profound way. In order to remain aware, we must learn to rise above the mechanisms of the mind, which seeks only to remove the magic and mystery from life.

Choosing to see the magical is the difference between viewing a tree while quoting all the facts that you may know about it, or conversely, quietly opening your heart to it in order to experience its essence, patience and wisdom. Each approach comes from a different level of consciousness. The latter, more expanding experience brings a sense of awe, sacredness and respect into the equation.

Practice experiencing the mysterious in nature. Move gently through the world and allow your vision to transform the mundane into the miraculous. Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you.

Ego and Gossip

If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?”


Observe how the ego reacts when you find yourself immersed in a story that is unfolding. Likely, the voice of ego will be clamoring to share it with someone. Why? It’s interesting to watch how the mind reacts when you consciously choose to say nothing or remain neutral in situations while others are lost in comparison, blame or schadenfreude.

Keep in mind that triggers or emotional reactivity are typically a result of some sort of reflection, deflection or projection. When one is lost in gossip or accusation, their words often speak volumes about their own struggles and wounds. Focusing energy outward is a powerful distraction. As long as the ego can see something “wrong” in another, it is too busy to look within to do the work of healing.

Presence calls upon us to be mindful. Pay attention to what you choose to say today. Is it helpful, uplifting or supportive? The light of your awareness is transformative and will help you to see through the mechanisms of the mind with greater clarity. Once you remove gossip and opinion from your own narrative, you will enter the realm of empowered presence. It is there that peacefulness resides.

Living in Presence

“When you go in, you touch a new kind of silence – the presence of silence itself. It is not only an absence of noise, it is something absolutely positive, almost visible, tangible.”  



Observe the stillness that exists between thoughts. Throughout the day, pause before you choose to reach for your phone to pass the time. Instead of ‘checking in’ with the world around you, simply go within and be still. Observe the body, slow your breathing and listen. Enter Zen from where you are.


The mind’s habitual pattern is to stay busy, jumping from one thought to the next, finding something that needs to be done or filling the gaps with mindless activity such as watching television. It’s healthy to periodically break the pattern and move into stillness. Find the gaps in your experience and utilize those moments of deep connection.


Once you step into stillness, you’ll notice that time slows down. As you create a deeper sense of balance and presence, you’ll bring that positive energy into the activities in which you decide to participate. Part of our spiritual journey is to bring the beautiful connection with the Now into our human experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.

Be Bold

“We cannot succeed in life or the spiritual path by avoiding challenges and being inactive. We must play our part in life, according to our given nature, but with detachment, knowing that something greater than ourselves acts through us.”
~Alberto Villoldo~
Spiritual seekers develop three gifts that help them achieve transcendence:

Audacity is cultivated when we boldly move forward with the knowledge that we are conscious creators. Instead of demanding concrete answers and guarantees before we take that first step, we learn the art of boldness in the face of the unknown. Live daringly and act with inspiration, for you are an limitless, infinite spirit exploring time and space.

Patience is not simply about sitting back and waiting. It is knowing when to act and when to be still. It is taking the time to replenish your spirit or understanding that sometimes we need to allow things to unfold before jumping into reactive action. This purposeful approach to life demonstrates empowerment and maturity.

Discernment is the unemotional observation of the facts. It allows us to step back, re-frame limiting perceptions, empower and recognize the perfection in the present moment. Your purpose is to thrive, expand and awaken.

Awareness, Presence, Transformation

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?” 

~Ezra Bayda~

When we operate from the premise that all things work toward our highest good, we come to discover that inconsolable sadness or frustration is a waste of energy. The mind creates stories which seem to enslave us, and though it takes conscious effort, shifting your thoughts will always shift your perception, and thus, your experience.

The ego loves to feel special. But this life experience is not meant to be one of sadness, frustration or loss; rather, you are meant to break free from self-imposed prisons and find your joy.

Seek to cultivate greater awareness of your own strength and abilities. Its helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.”  Your willingness to be open is transformative.

When you choose to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself. These simple, empowering moments of presence and intention will transform your experience in surprising ways.

The Nature of Change

Something beautiful happens when we embark upon the winds of change. Fresh experiences require greater attention and awareness and break us free from habitual patterns. In the process of discovery, we can explore the magic of new beginnings.

It’s helpful to have a blend of consistent practice and mindful exploration. As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted your direction, when required.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You are consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release that which no longer serves your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will create discomfort.

When going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty, the ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits.” Conversely, the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.



“We are travelers on a cosmic journey,stardust,swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
~Paulo Coelho~


You are a spark of the Divine… infinite, eternal, beautiful.


With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. And it is the eternal Now.
We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of the incredible journey we share.
There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through experiencing all the earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover the nature of love. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.

A Higher Perspective

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~Wayne Dyer~

Something magical happens when we view life from a higher perspective. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind – thoughts, opinions, confusion, stories, histories and other facades – there is great potential and power; however, the ego often distracts us from seeing clearly.

You have the ability to interpret life from many different perspectives. As your vibration increases, new viewpoints become available. Periodically bring your awareness to your own state of consciousness. Are you fully present? Can you purposely shift your thoughts in ways that are empowering? How often do you show yourself love and compassion?

Consciousness is the journey of expansion into all dimensions, the discovery of broader perspectives and the integration of all that we have learned. It seeks to express itself through our interactions and provides an opportunity to see life differently.

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, a blending of dimensions from the depths of lower consciousness to the heights of love and communion. They exist together and when we cultivate the understanding that all are required in this dance of awakening, we begin to have a very different perspective of the world.

Your Melody


The vibration that you bring to the planet is unique. We all blend together, weaving beautiful energy, texture and tone that flows throughout the Universe – a masterpiece in the making. Change is the natural order of life. We can resist or flow and even though we may not see the outcome of certain circumstances at the moment (or ever), realize that you are being guided and supported throughout the process.


Teachers walk among us. Healers open to channel the energy of the Divine. Angels are ready to spring into action. Every spark of life dances in celebration within the melody of love. No matter what role you play, you are being asked to trust and allow the circumstances of your life to unfold now. Live in your truth and allow grace to flow within your experience.