
“Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.”
~Ram Dass~

What if you chose to find one thing to appreciate about each situation or person who has ever been a challenge in your life? What if you chose only to speak about that positive thing when prompted into discussion. How do you think that would impact your overall life experience?

Life is a blend of dark and light. Contrasts provide insight and wisdom we could never discover in a one-dimensional world. Everything is multi-faceted; therefore, there is always an opportunity to find the good, assimilate the lesson, or cultivate new strength – no matter the circumstance. You are a culmination of all that you have experienced.

Layer by layer we transcend the levels of consciousness, incorporating energy and lessons, broadening our vision, and setting ourselves free. For most, this is a subtle transformative process rather than an abrupt shift to a new level. Don’t worry about how fast you can awaken, for the joy is in the journey. Embrace the day and discover the secrets it has to offer. Most importantly, love yourself and appreciate those who walk by your side.

The Self

Sometimes you have to be who you aren’t in order to discover who you are. Inner journeys through darkness bring about a yearning for light and the search then takes us exactly where we need to go. The greatest gifts can be found in the unlikeliest of places.

Don’t fear the shadow side of your personality. The yin and yang, dark and light, fear and security are simply the opposites found within any experience. Ultimately, complete acceptance of the Self leads to peace, happiness and wholeness.

Your soul is ready for expansion and expression. By moving into Presence we become more self-actualized and aware… and awareness heals.

We all look at life and circumstances based upon the level of awareness at which we reside. There are always new and amazing things waiting to be discovered and infinite roads ultimately lead us to the Divine. The most empowering thing that you can do is live consciously and cultivate the wisdom born of experience.

Dear one, you are right where you need to be. Trust the process of awakening rather than fighting what is. The desire to seek the gift or lesson inherent in all situations ensures that it will be found.

Your Sacred Space

A day of gratitude, expansion, healing and growth begins the moment you awaken. If you haven’t properly tended to the energy in the household, layers of emotional sludge begin to build up and it can be challenging to begin the day with a clear heart and mind.

Everything in the home space has a definitive impact upon you. Clutter, broken objects, unfinished projects and unpaid bills emit vibrations that keep you off balance and feeling like you’ll never catch up.

Create a home that is a sacred space of peace, power, growth and transformation. Fill it with loving energy and see it as a place that nurtures your soul. Consider setting an intention that the entryway brings a sense of grace to all who walk through.

Quiet moments tending your garden, reading in the sunshine, doing yoga, playing music, preparing food, meditation, prayer, journaling, residing in conscious breath… anything that soothes your soul is a doorway to peace.

You are the conduit through which the Divine experiences itself in the world of form. With this in mind, look upon life through eyes of wonder, mystery and delight and it will become a sanctuary where your conscious experiences can be honored.

It’s Not Personal

“Life is a continuous ebb and flow, like the seasons, like the ocean’s waves. When we learn to ‘ride’ with them, our life becomes easier, with less resistance.”

~Romy Macias~

Yesterday I was on the receiving end of a barrage of anger from a neighbor. Because I am not bi-lingual, it was difficult to know exactly why she was angry; though, it didn’t take any great psychic ability to get the gist that she didn’t want me to use her trash can. So, responding to that, I simply said that I was sorry and would not do it again in the future. As the yelling continued, I finally was able to indicate my lack of understanding and wished her a good day as she glared at me, seemingly desirous of a confrontation of some sort.

In that moment I could recognize that she was likely triggered by something else prior to the interaction and observed (thankfully) that I had very little egoic engagement. Even if the attack was personal, I couldn’t understand so no reactivity arose within me.

That led me to realize how easily we can walk in the world when we view egoic reactivity as speaking another language. Understand that everyone has their own struggles and more often than not, others’ reactivity is not personal.

If you speak the language of compassion, then anger can be recognized as an entirely different level of communicating. To be gentle with one another, seek only to be aware of your own state of consciousness, own what’s yours, and discard the rest.


Love Begets Love

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger, be compassionate instead of defensive.
When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.
When you are judged… Be love.
Acceptance, unconditional love, honoring all life as sacred, being the peace you wish to see, Radical Forgiveness… all these concepts inspire us to be better; however, it’s important to remember that we require opposition in order for us to cultivate these amazing qualities.Be grateful for those who challenge you. Personally or globally, each of us is playing the role that is best for our collective growth. When you choose to drop judgment, limiting beliefs or hatred, and purposely see beyond the physical, everything is love. Life provides the perfect experience needed for our awakening.

Happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you forget how powerful you are. Cultivate the ability to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.

Hatred Begets Hatred

“If people can learn to hate they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it’s opposite.”

~Nelson Mandela~

The ego has a vested interest in being right. It creates opinions based upon ones level of consciousness, attaches to them, and sees opposing viewpoints as wrong. To strengthen itself further, the ego seeks out others to reinforce the story. Collectively these energies come together, strengthen one another and plant seeds of opposition. Fighting against “the other” becomes the only thing that’s important. To further the narrative, any idea of kindness, listening or compromise is viewed as weak. The concept of compassion itself is transformed into aligning with the enemy.

Conversely, intention and commitment combine with humility and are ultimately axiomatic of wisdom. The spiritual seeker understands that as consciousness expands, perceptions change. Broader viewpoints arise within the paradox when one is willing to be flexible, fluid and ever-evolving. The integration of love creates a powerful foundation to operate from as we walk in the world. Each of us has a powerful opportunity to be a light in the darkness. We have purposely chosen to be here now, in this place… how can we demonstrate love?


“The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”
~Charles de Lint~

Yesterday I stepped outside into a gentle rain. Breathing slowly, I attuned myself to the world around me – birds singing, the scent of jasmine, dogs playing and the sound of cars in the distance. In that moment all time seemed to stop. I felt loved and supported by mother earth and grateful for the ability to tap into that healing energy whenever I need a moment to recharge.

Periodically savor the peace of the present moment. Even in the midst of movement and chaos, it is there waiting for you. The easiest point of access is conscious breath. You are right where you need to be. In Presence, celebrate all the miracles that surround you.

Joy is your true nature and awakening is your purpose. The key is to focus upon creating a life filled with small moments of happiness and fulfillment. When we release attachment to the “hows” we create space in which transformation can occur. Typically, there is no great fanfare at the beginning of new ideas or dreams, just a desire to move and a quiet wisdom that simply says yes.


“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.”
~Gloria Steinem~

Some people can look at a stone or a piece of wood and see something unique and beautiful waiting to emerge. They look through the lens of possibility and dare to remove the excess in order to bring something new into being. They recognize the beauty in both its forms – the raw, pure potential as well as the exquisite finished masterpiece – and they explore the process with love.

We can choose to view life in the same way. Find the inherent beauty in what is and also see what could be. It takes courage to chip away at the excess, and perhaps the vision may change as you go through the process; but it’s love, consistency, bravery and empowered action that spark the imagination and create movement in our experience.

Stillness creates space within the intensity of life and within that space resides the wisdom of your soul. Imagine cultivating the ability to walk through changes with a sense of inner grace, balance and peace. This aura of empowerment is yours to claim. You are a work in progress. What wonders are waiting to make themselves known?

Living With An Open Heart

When entering into relationship with a lover, child, friend, business partner or pet, remember not to collapse yourself into that union. Leave enough room for each of you to be separate and whole so that you retain your unique authenticity. This freedom creates room for growth and discovery. Allow the winds of heaven to dance in between you and choose to experience life with an open heart.

Partnerships provide a reflection of your self love. As you evolve, you are less needy and less likely to attach your happiness to others’ actions or choices. You discover the beauty of creating space in which each person can thrive.

The Universe supports every aspect of your growth and will always provide the perfect situation to assist in your soul’s development and expansion. When you encounter patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you, observe and release them.

As each layer of limitation falls away all that remains is the pure potential of love. You stand at the doorway of infinite possibility. Choose to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place and you will transcend perceived blockages, ultimately transforming them into ever-evolving aspects of your strength and empowerment.

The Beauty of Acceptance

There’s something inherently beautiful about living in a state of acceptance. When experienced as an authentic state of being, all drama is removed and we can flow through any situation with empowerment and peace.

Last night, my mother and I moved into a new phase of our relationship. I realized that much of my natural Presence was something that I learned from her along with my love of reading, creating a sacred space and the ability to be comfortable in solitude.

For the last few years she’s lived in a cottage in my backyard. After a tumultuous childhood and the weaving of karmic experiences that firmly set me on this path of healing, it was interesting to discover that many of the old wounds would be healed by helping my parents with their end of life work. Having them so close on a daily basis allowed for healthy shifts in our relationship.

During my last session yesterday, I received a simple, calm voice message. “I’m not doing so well and I need help.” I went to her cottage thinking that I could lift something or perform some small task. Immediately, I could see that she was off, and simply sitting in the darkening living room. It turned out that she had had a minor stroke which doubled her vision enough to impact her sense of balance and ability to walk safely.

So we did what many parents and children do – worked with medical care, a lengthy emergency room visit and ultimately appreciating the competence of the workers at a nearby hospital. While not fatal or insurmountable, this moment ushered us into a place of transition where we can both learn new things. I awoke this morning feeling only gratitude for my journey, the people in it, and the ways that we can explore love.